
In 2010, Las Veredas’ theater group premiered their version of the musical Superjim, which had been commissioned two years earlier by the English writers Steve Pogson and George Simmers. After a long process of translating and adapting the script, elaborating the musical arrangements, scenery, props, and after performing it at the Civic Center of Colmenarejo, we participated in the school theater contest held by the Community of Madrid. Despite this being our first year participating in the contest, we were declared the winners. The production of Superjim would not have been possible without the help and support of the faculty at Las Veredas primary school, the students’ families, and most of, Rafael Roselló, who was in charge of the theatrical component, and Primi Palacios, who was in charge of all the scenery and props. You can watch the performance below, which is divided into four 15-minute segments.